Rebel Car Guys: The Backbone of the Auto Industry
Aug 16, 2024
Car Dealership Life is a world unto itself, shaped by unique personalities and forged in the fires of persistence and resilience. If you've been in the car business long enough, you know that the word "rebellious" might just be the secret ingredient to success. This is dedicated to the old school car guys—the ones who didn't have it easy, but made it work through sheer grit and determination.
The Making of a Car Guy
The people I admire and trust in the car business have a common thread running through their stories. They didn't have much handed to them. They are fighters, full of a lifetime of bumps and bruises. They don't back down from much and never have, never will. They did things their way, and it wasn't always easy.
Most of these individuals didn't dream of starting a life by selling cars. Instead, they started out of desperation. They needed money—for rent, to feed kids, pay a bookie, or maybe all of the above. The local dealership or used car lot was often the only place that would hire them.
The Island of Misfit Toys
In the 70s,‘80s, '90s, and 2000s, sales floors were like the Island of Misfit Toys—one broken character after another, all tough as nails, each a one-off. Nothing like them. These were the people who couldn't fit into the corporate mold, but found a place in the chaotic, rough-and-tumble world of car sales.
The ones that stayed in would get promoted, some made fortunes on the vendor side and many of these guys own or run stores today. If we surveyed the 18,000 or so General Managers at franchise stores in the USA today, most of them would get a glint of nostalgia in their eyes reading this. They'd recall the late nights closing deals when others would have quit, the countless rejections that only fueled their determination, and the camaraderie built with fellow misfits, all chasing the same dream….Freedom
The Stories That Shape Us
Those experiences shaped us, made us resilient, made us who we are today. Does this sound like you or someone you know?
Hats Off to the Ornery Bastards
The auto industry owes a debt of gratitude to these recalcitrant car guys. Their spirit, drive, and unyielding nature have built and sustained this business. Let's continue to honor and recognize their contributions, for they are the true backbone of the auto industry.
In the end, it's the grit and determination of these old school car guys that keeps the wheels turning in the auto industry. Their stories are our stories, and their resilience is a testament to what it takes to succeed in this business. Let's continue to learn from them, celebrate them, and ensure that their legacy lives on in the next generation of car guys.
About the Author: Bob Manor is a seasoned professional in the auto industry, with over 30 years of experience in wholesale and dealership operations. Known as the CanAm Car Guy, Bob is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise to help others navigate the complexities of the car business.
This editorial captures the essence of the car business and the indomitable spirit of those who have made it their life's work. It's a tribute to the resilience and determination of the people who keep this industry moving forward.